Monday, May 31, 2010

Young and Hip

I had a blast with this couple. It was fun to see their different perspectives of how they wanted their family pictures to look. Josh wanted edgy and out there, while Jonna was looking for urban and classic portraits. We were able to accomplish both. Their sweet pups, Axel and Coco, came along for the ride. Thanks guys for a great evening, even the rain didn't put a damper on it. Enjoy your sneak peeks!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

An Outdoor Wedding

Weddings are so fun and especially when I have the opportunity to photograph the special day. This bride has been a long time friend, who holds a very special place in my family's life. Natalie has been there for us and it was my pleasure to be there for her on her wedding day. Scott is a fortunate guy to have found Natalie and the same for her. She has waited patiently for the man God intended for her. Love you both very much and wish you both much love and blessings in your new marriage. Enjoy the sneak peeks!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sweet Anticipation!

I have known this expectant momma since she was in high school. It is fun to watch young adults marry and then start a family. This sweet little one will be joining the world in June and we wanted to capture the aniticipation of his arrival. I am so looking forward to meeting Mr. J in a few weeks and I know his parents and all extended family are too!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Graduate

I remember my graduation from high school like it was yesterday. The frenzy of announcements, renting the cap and gown and getting the portraits made for the yearbook. College was also a big step forward too! This young man is well on his way to making the next big step. Loved our time together TJ and look forward to hearing about your new adventures!